Oresama Teacher Wiki

CuppyCake123 CuppyCake123 28 October 2013


I know this is gonna be like my other blog, but just listen. Guys, I know I'm the only admin/bureaucrat here and I asked for some help editing. But, I wanted to tell you guys I feel like a banchou. Though an administrator is not a leader but a banchou is. However, Mafuyu was a banchou who united all of her comrades, not followers, that looked up to her. And I want to unite you guys. And you've seen Mafuyu get into trouble and not always being the toughest person around. I can't always handle everything and I need you to help. A banchou needs her nakama to help her. I'm gonna be looking for other admin, but you gotta contribute! I need my Kenkawa and Maizono. (Masochisim not needed)

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CuppyCake123 CuppyCake123 25 October 2013


Hey guys, just wanted to talk to you about something. So I've check the wiki's stats and 100+ people visit the wiki on a regular basis. And of those hundred, I only see my name in the wiki activity. Please, I can't do everything. There's one of me and twenty something pages. Now, today I'll post the chapter cover for the next volume 4 chapter. But I want to see others' names on the recent activity! Remember, you don't need an account to edit. I didn't lock any pages. If you need help editing, go to a help page. That's why they exist.

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CuppyCake123 CuppyCake123 22 October 2013

My Complaint Blog

Hey there, guys. I just wanted to get some things off my chest about volume 4 of Oresama Teacher. So, with every series or novel I love,(Oresama Teacher, BLEACH, Flower Power series, Every Soul a Star, etc.) there's somethings I hate about it. Absolutely nothing is perfect. This review is actually more than just volume four, but don't worry, it'll still be in here. Okay, Oresama Teacher, I kinda think Izumi Tsubaki made Mafuyu what I call, "a little too good". Now please don't argue. I'm glad Mafuyu has weaknesses though. Definitely not counting her fear of other girls. I try not to get too mad at her, and just blame everything on Takaomi :P.

Now, volume 4 specifically. I was a little mad at Mafuyu in this volume. In my opinion, I think it …

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CuppyCake123 CuppyCake123 21 September 2013


Hey guys. So, since I haven't see really any administrators, I thought I might adopt the wiki. I just need to know how anyone else out there thinks. Right now it's 9/21/13. Wikia central says you guys have one week to respond. Bye you guys! Hope you support me!

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CuppyCake123 CuppyCake123 1 September 2013

The Wiki

Alright, Oresama Teacher wiki's first blog. I've noticed some things on this wiki. So I checked the list of local users and many of the users haven't edited since 2012 or 11. And there's only 1 administrator! And they're actually a staff! So I'm trying to help fix it up, but I need more help. If you're reading this, PLEASE CONTRIBUTE! Usually, the really minor wikis are ones I don't know much about. But since I know this one, I HAVE TO help it. HELP!

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