Oresama Teacher Wiki

Chapter 68 is the sixty-eighth chapter of Oresama Teacher.

Chapter 68
Volume 12
Chapter 68
Publication Order
Preceded by
Chapter 67
Followed by
Chapter 69

Short Summary[]

Shibuya reveals that he knows of Mafuyu's past via the legacies she left at Higashi Middle School, kept alive by her previous comrades. Because of this, he depends on her protection from the students against his actions. Mafuyu tries to pretend that she is weak so he would stop, but is saved by Hayasaka and Shinobu, which makes Shibuya depend on the two instead, leading to his application into the Public Morals Club.

Long Summary[]

Shibuya expresses his knowledge of Mafuyu's past as a delinquent and confirms how he asked Komari, a random girl in his eyes, if she knew Mafuyu and she ran away scared. He once again introduces himself, but this time as a student from Higashi Middle School who wishes to be Mafuyu's subordinate. More guys come to take out their anger for Shibuya on Mafuyu and attack her while Shibuya runs off to avoid the fighting. Kangawa and Maizono are worried on their side because they keep trying to call Mafuyu but she won't pick up. Mafuyu finally looks at her phone and there are more than 20 calls and her message box is full. In fear that there was an emergency, she goes through the voice mails and realizes it's just useless banter by Maizono so she doesn't bother going through the rest. Mafuyu tails Shibuya and he continues to not only seduce girls into breaking up with their boyfriends, but also convince their respective boyfriends into finding Mafuyu to blame. In an attempt to stop Shibuya from creating more of a mess, she lies to him that she was actually a mascot throughout middle school and that she is actually extremely weak. To prove this she stands in front of the men charging after them, but rather than proving that she is weak, Hayasaka and Shinobu defend her from the mass of enraged men. Shibuya is enamored by the two's strength and at the same time Mafuyu drops her phone. It accidentally plays one of Maizono's voice mails and while watching Shinobu and Hayasaka fight, Maizono's voicemail explains that a student named Shibuya Aki will be going to her school. The voicemail explains that Shibuya is a normal person that just happens to have problems with girls and alternatively looks towards anyone that's strong to protect him. Maizono also warns Mafuyu to not let Shibuya see any fights between large masses of people or else he'll become extremely engrossed and persistent. The chapter ends with a gleeful Shibuya asking to join the Disciplinary Committee.



Chapter 68
Volume 12
Chapter 67
Publication Order
Preceded by
Chapter 66
Followed by
Chapter 68