Oresama Teacher Wiki

Chapter 74 is the seventy-fourth chapter of Oresama Teacher.

Chapter 74
Volume 13
Chapter 74
Pages 30
Publication Order
Preceded by
Chapter 73
Followed by
Chapter 75

Short Summary[]

Kanon tells the story of how when she was a child, she would always look and wait for her "Prince". However, everything changes when Kento, a boy in her class, and his friends bully her and she uses the martial arts she has learned from her grandfather to beat them. After three years in a private all-girls school, Kanon's grandfather transfer her to Madori Ga Oka where she meets Miyabi Hanabusa and changes her life for the better. On her way home, Kanon overhears Kiyama students say that her lost item is with Kiyama's bonchou.

Long Summary[]

