Oresama Teacher Wiki

East High is a public senior high school that mainly consists of delinquents and yankees. It is located within the Saitama Prefecture.


Oresama Teacher section of Higashi high

Section of East High

The classrooms are relatively damaged as 1-B's wall is falling (according to the riddle for East High's legend) and the monitoring of students within the school appears careless as students are 'running through the corridor with bikes'. The shed on the rooftop is most likely not monitored or taken care of either as the principal's wig wasn't found (until Mafuyu and Aki found it) and some items are covered in large sheets.

The buildings are relatively tall but not many panels (within the manga) are shown that reveal the entirety of the school.


Previously, Saeki Takaomi was the bancho of the school and was extremely strong according to his followers and current students. Additionally, he was also the creator for East High's legend of a box being full of treasure which was actually the principal's wig.

Oresama teacher Takaomi bancho

Takaomi as bancho

Kurosaki Mafuyu was the bancho of the school (as she was the strongest) before her expulsion since she had been arrested by the police. As a result, her mother had forced her to attend Midorigaoka Academy so she could finally be like a normal high school student. However, in her absence, Kangawa Kohei took the place of being the strongest in the school and became bancho with Maizono Yuto as his subordinate and being the second strongest.

Their rival has been West High since a long time ago, both schools have always been fighting for ownership for the prefecture with reference to Mafuyu and Asahi's relationship.


Name Affiliation Status
Kangawa Kohei East Gang (bancho, strongest) Active
Maizono Yuto East Gang (second strongest) Active
Yamashita Takumi East Gang Active
Okubo Kotobuki East Gang Active
Mafuyu Kurosaki Bancho (former)



  • The Art Club within the school sets up many traps as preventive measures for stealing as delinquents often steal their paints for graffiti.
  • The fire hydrant isn't monitored so it is rung often (by the students). The fire extinguisher is used as a weapon, likewise to a water gun.
  • Originally, Shibuya Aki wanted to attend East High as the legend had piqued his interest but he preferred Midori Ga Oka Academy since 'a forest surrounding the school is cute'.
  • The female uniform is a sailor uniform.
  • There is a lack of security and care of East High as people can trespass as both Mafuyu and Aki had done so (in Chapter 79).